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L'actualité du capital social, de la vie en société et des options de société.

– EU Constitutional Treaty: how to preserve democracy
Civic engagement  - Civil freedom  - European Union  
Return Europe to the Europeans There was, in reality, no institutional crisis opened by the double Franco-Dutch “no” in 2005. The EU has bodies, it has a budget until 2013, it can function. The only real crisis arose from the contradiction between the fierce desire of politicians to build a European state and the scathing denial that the people had inflicted on this desire. This so-called crisis was felt only by the political class, and had value only for them. The agreem...Read More >>

– Democratize justice for lawyers
Civic engagement  - State institutions  
The death of little Renaud The 9 defendants prosecuted before the Liège criminal court to answer for the drowning of little Renaud De Boeck were acquitted on Tuesday. Judge Lhoest found in his judgment that no wrongful behavior was attributable to the various defendants. (…) In her judgment, Judge Loest considered that, if negligence or wrongful behavior was observed in the organization and management of the swimming pool, they could not directly engage the respo...Read More >>

– Constitution of civil party: a state monopoly?
Abuse of power  - State institutions  - State parasitism  
The collusion of politics and the judiciary A complaint with the establishment of a civil party targeting suspicious real estate transactions attributed by the press to Nicolas Sarkozy was filed by an individual in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) but was declared inadmissible, we learned from the public prosecutor's office in this locality on Thursday. This complaint filed by Marc Salomone was administratively registere...Read More >>

– Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome: where is the EU going?
European Union  - New Leviathan  - State institutions  
The European Union and Europe Broken down, in crisis, paralyzed, in a coma, disenchanted... So many expressions which reflect the same observation: the European Union is in the grip of disaster as it celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome - of which birth certificate of the European Economic Community. On this occasion, the Twenty-seven will not fail to praise the merits and successes – peace, prospe...Read More >>

– Weapons: citizen participation in Defense
Belgium  - State institutions  - Weapons  
When the State assumes an arms monopoly On Friday June 9, 2006, a new law on the possession and trade of arms came into force in Belgium. Like many other countries, Belgium is implementing a general ban on the possession and carrying of weapons. Until now, purchasing a weapon was easy: the prospective buyer only needed to be of legal age and show their identity card, with police checks carried out retrospectively on the basis of the seller's declaration. The weaknesses of the old legislat...Read More >>

– Conspiracy theories: George W. Bush a terrorist?
Civic engagement  - Social trust  - State institutions  
9/11 and conspiracy theories Why do doubts surround the official investigations into the events of 9/11? For one thing, several major questions in the past have only revealed partial truths. Beyond this, major historic events always provide scope for speculation. President John F. Kennedy, assassinated by a lone gunman? Impossible! There must be more to it. The 9/11 attacks on the United States? Allegedly perpetrated by a bunch of Arabs with box cutters and ru...Read More >>


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