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L'actualité du capital social, de la vie en société et des options de société.

– False prophets: in finance too
Financial crisis  - Financial markets  - Subprime crisis  
Bears and bulls: and yet, it turns… At a time when trillions of dollars have evaporated on the stock market, the culprits are being pointed out. Hedge funds, some say. The rating agencies, say the others. But analysts are also in the dock. Revered in the 90s, hated after the bursting of the internet bubble, they are paradoxically returning to the forefront with the current crisis. In recent years, access to information has become more regulated, due to barriers erected ...Read More >>

– Hedge funds, speculation, and greed
Community  - Financial markets  - Financial speculation  
The devastating role of hedge funds The famous “hedge funds” made record acquisitions in 2006. These new players in the global economy, however, give rise to many reservations and concerns. Their strategy consists of acquiring companies using debt (up to 80%), managing them as best as possible and reselling them a few years later, generating a capital gain in order to remunerate their shareholders. Takeover bid, then return to the...Read More >>

– Stock market risks: towards a new crisis of 29
Financial markets  - Financial profit  - Financial speculation  
Towards a new crisis of 29 1. In one week, the exchange rate of the Japanese currency has regained around 5% against the dollar and the euro, but this rebound has nothing to do with any improvement in the Japanese economy. In fact, for many months, the Japanese currency has served the interests of speculative funds and all investors who appreciate only one thing in it: its low interest rate. Borrowing in yen costs prac...Read More >>

– The merger of the stock markets: the hazardous integration of international capitalism
Financial markets  - Financial profit  
The supposed benefits of unique capital Merging with the NYSE will give greater visibility to companies listed on Euronext: Anglo-Saxon and Asian investors, who are familiar with the NYSE brand, will be more sensitive to these values. Liquidity on Euronext should also increase. Currently, very few members of the NYSE are also members of Euronext, and vice versa. Furthermore, as Euronext and the NYSE share...Read More >>


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