Participants should check prior to submission that they will obtain permission to travel and appropriate funding from their respective employers. They should settle far in advance visa applications. Participants register by filling the ad hoc form available on our site for each conference, and by sending it (or submitting it electronically) to the TSCF conference management team. The receipt of these sendings/submissions shall be acknowledged. Registrations are individual even though registrants may belong to the same organization. Accommodation and flight details mentioned on the registration form are considered as accurate. TSCF declines any responsibility should registration forms be completed inaccurately. Participants are expected to retrieve their email regularly, and to be accessible and reachable during the whole period of preparation for the conference.
Registrations become effective upon receipt of a completed registration form and the corresponding payment, including registration fees and accommodation. Payment should be made preferably by bank transfer; bank charges must be paid by the registrant. For each conference, the amount of the conference fee as well as the services covered are indicated on the appropriate page of our site, or are available upon request. TSCF members pay a lower fee. All charges are non-refundable, except in two cases: when we cancel a planned event, and when we cancel an individual participation for disciplinary or compliance reasons. In the latter case, an administration cost of 10 to 50% is deducted from the refund. Should a participant be excluded for any reason during a conference, there is no right to refund. Refund claims are accepted within one year after the concerned event.
Speakers deliver presentations based on innovative research or experience that bears on (or is related to) the topics of the conference. Paper or reports of projects are submitted in the form of an abstract which must be presented in TSCF format. The Conference Program Committee needs at least 7 business days to examine the abstracts submitted. Paper presentations can be individual or be included in panels of speakers. TSCF reserves the right to modify the program, replace the speakers or change organizational details if necessary.
The language used in our conferences is English.
Participation is subject to acceptance of and compliance with our conference rules and etiquette.
1. Purpose
-To let ideas progress, and to network.
2. Dress:
-Smart casual to semi-formal.
3. Communication style:
– Cordial but respectful.
– Interactive and lively.
– Our conferences gather theoreticians and practitioners who find a common language.
4. Debate style:
– Assertive but considerate of opposing views.
– Discussions are encouraged, quarrels are not.
– Our conferences encourage understanding across boundaries, be they disciplinary, cultural, or other.
5. Context perception:
– Some practices that are allowed in other conferences may not be accepted in ours.
– Our conferences are not subsidized. Instead, they rely solely on the registration fees and dues paid by conference participants.
– The public information given by TSCF on itself or on its conferences is clear, and strives to be as exhaustive as possible. Applicants and participants are expected to refer to this information as it will not be privately repeated.
6. Role understanding:
– Conference participants are not consumers. TSCF is not a seller.
– Conference participation is not a right. It is dependent on acceptance by TSCF and compliance with the conference regulations.
– Participation in conferences is constructive and helpful.
7. Community involvement:
– Conference participants are regarded as members of a community. They are encouraged to stay in touch in the future within a larger TSCF constituency.
– Partial or intermittent conference attendance is not allowed.
– Persons accompanying conference participants are not admitted to the conference rooms.
8. Process coordination:
– Conference session schedules are strictly enforced.
– Participants are expected to communicate regularly with the conference organizers. They must clear any problem with their email communication such as those associated with spam filters.
9. Work division:
– Participants attend sessions, ask questions, and participate in discussions.
– Speakers report individually or collectively on the status of a subject.
– Discussants of paper or panel sessions summarize contributions, raise questions, and provide comments and critiques that lead to discussions.
– Paper or panel session chairs introduce the speakers, start and end the sessions in an orderly and timely manner, lead and conclude the discussions, and report any encountered problem during their session.
– Moderators launch and lead roundtable discussion groups, and help these groups produce results.
– The conference chair and co-chairs are responsible for organizing the conference, managing providers and support staff, and enforcing the conference regulations. They may take measures to assure that appropriate order and decorum are maintained throughout the conference.