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L'actualité du capital social, de la vie en société et des options de société.

– Subprime crisis: the causes
Consumerism  - Credit bubble  - Euro currency  
Economy and political agenda Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz judges that "the subprime crisis is not over" in the United States and Europe, and that this crisis is linked to the surge in oil and food prices, in an interview with the French newspaper Release Saturday. “The subprime crisis”, American subprime mortgage loans, “is not over”, affirms Mr. Stiglitz, explaining that with the fall of the real estate market in the United States, more and more Americans find themselves unable to repay ...Read More >>

– Regulated professions: the society of mistrust
Bureaucracy  - Community  - France  
State rents and society of distrust The issue of regulated professions has recently surfaced in the political debate. But it was poorly posed, pointing out the existence of modest advantages instead of analyzing the formidable state hypertrophy which is the cause. The case of Parisian taxis, for example, attracted attention. There are fewer of them today than in 1925. There were 25,000 then, there are now only 15,000. However, since 1945 France's GDP has multiplied,...Read More >>


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