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L'actualité du capital social, de la vie en société et des options de société.

– Create trust: build social capital on a daily basis

oiseau toltèque

Communication rules that can help create social capital by establishing clarity and trust: the four “Toltec agreements”

“Let your word be impeccable”

Speak with integrity, only say what you think. Do not use speech against yourself or to speak ill of others.

oiseau toltèque “Don’t react to anything in a personal way”
What others say and do are only a projection of their own reality, of their dream. When you are immune to this, you are no longer subject to unnecessary suffering.

oiseau toltèque“Don’t make any assumptions”
Have the courage to ask questions and express your true desires. Communicate clearly with others to avoid sadness, misunderstandings and drama. This agreement alone can transform your life.

oiseau toltèque“Always do your best”
Your ‘best’ changes from moment to moment. Whatever the circumstances, just do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-blame, and regret. (Extract from the Four Toltec Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, Editions Jouvence).


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