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L'actualité du capital social, de la vie en société et des options de société.

– The ethnic policies of Leviathan II

mosque1 The ethnic politics of Leviathan (II)

The rector of Lyon, Alain Morvan, should today be dismissed from his functions and thus pay for his excessive freedom of tone (…). He will return to his chair as professor of English at the university. A snub for this man who allegedly failed to fulfill his duty of reserve as a senior civil servant. Alain Morvan had recently opposed the opening of the al-Kindi Muslim high school in the suburbs of Lyon, which ended up opening at the beginning of March. He had publicly described the project leaders as “fundamentalists” and declared that he wanted to fight “ until the last breath for the interests of children ”. He also indicated that he had been pressured by the Interior Ministry for opposing this opening. In eight months, he refused three files, notably involving rooms that were too small, non-standard bathrooms, “fictitious management” or even the presence of a gas pipe in the open air. So many arguments rejected by administrative justice and the Higher Council of Education. (Le Figaro, 03/21/2007)

Continuation of the previous post: when we affirm that these are indeed policies, whether explicit or implicit, said or unsaid, here is proof. There is also no shortage of examples of administrative sanctions or evictions whose real motivation is to oppose politically incorrect ideas. A motivation carefully concealed, of course, under pious professional or legal arguments.


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