As the process of the covid-19 pandemic develops, information transpires that allows to have a clearer picture of the situation.
– the lethality of covid-19 appears lower than the initial predictions,
– the lethality of covid-19 is no higher that other comparable diseases,
– the overall death rates were unaffected by covid-19,
– sars-cov-2 remains an ill-known and ill-identified virus that the PCR tests cannot diagnose with full accuracy,
– pneumonia and flu are common respiratory conditions at this time of the year and target the same population with comparable results,
– most deaths involve persons aged 80+ suffering from one or several other chronic diseases,
– a number of death cases are attributed to covid-19 while they could be caused by other, concomitant conditions,
– the so-called saturation of the healthcare systems happened mostly locally,
– there is no evidence that stay-at-home orders have stopped or slowed down the pandemic,
– those countries that have not issued such orders actually have equivalent or better results than those that did,
– social distancing can undermine social interaction and instill fear and mistrust within society,
– lockdowns and travel bans will have a dramatic impact on growth, employment and the living standards, by causing a huge shock on both demand and supply. It is vital to reopen businesses and restore supply chains as soon as possible for the material and mental well-being of the population.
TSCF judges that the reasonable conditions that would justify such drastic measures as those taken by governments are not fulfilled.
TSCF calls for :
– governments to lift any confinement measures,
– citizens to resume their activities and live as normal,
– businesses to reopen as soon as they are ready.