VOLUME 4 (2002) - ISSUE 8 (WINTER)

“Natalism” and “Populationnism” in France : Remanence and Transitions of the Ideologies

by Hervé LE BRAS


This chapter examines how the approach to demographic problems in France has always been influenced, according to the political and economic context, either by the "populationnist" doctrine, which believes that the population of the country should be all the time larger thanks to migratory inputs, or by the "natalist" one, that presupposes that natality should be stimulated in order to increase the country's population. These are the two faces of a single, remanent authoritarian ideology.


Natalism - Populationnism - Population - Immigration - Authoritarianism - France


Herve LE BRAS is a demographer, a director of studies at the School for High Social Sciences Studies (EHESS) in Paris, France, and a director of research at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France. 


Author Name (Year), “Title”, in: The International Scope Review, Volume Number, Issue Number, TSCF Editions, Brussels.


This book is the outcome of a collective reflection on immigration and interethnic relationships by a multidisciplinary academic team.

Translation in English by Patrick HUNOUT and Ellen MOORE-BOOHAR.

A part of this book has been realized thanks to the financial support of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the French-German Youth Office.


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