VOLUME 6 (2004) - ISSUE 11 (YEARLY)

Communication Between Grandchildren and Grandparents

by Maya DAVID


Due to rapid language shift migrant communities have evolved ways to communicate across generations. This article focuses on code-switching as a strategy used by a given ethnic community, the Malaysian Sindhis, which is experiencing language loss and shift, to communicate across generations.


Sindhis - Immigrants - Family - Code switching - Communication across generations - Acculturation - Malaysia - Language shift - Language


Maya K. DAVID is an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Linguists U. K. and a Research Fellow with UPSI University, Malaysia. Dr. David has a special interest in the role of language in establishing and maintaining national unity. She is currently attached to the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where she teaches Communication within and across Cultures, Language and Conflict Resolution and Language and National Unity.

Dr DAVID has presented over 60 papers in 19 countries and has guest edited an issue of Multilingua and the International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2003. Her latest publications are English Language Teaching in Second and Foreign Language Settings: Focus on Malaysia (2004), Methodological issues in Language Maintenance and Shift Studies(2002) and The Sindhis of Malaysia: a Sociolinguistic Account (2001).


Author Name (Year), “Title”, in: The International Scope Review, Volume Number, Issue Number, TSCF Editions, Brussels.


This article is a revised version of a paper presented at The First International Conference of The Social Capital Foundation, held in Brussels, Belgium, on May 12-13, 2004. 


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